Let’s Not Forget the Entertainment Value

OK, I get it.  Many of you are understandably dismayed by Humpty-Trumpty’s crazy stuff, and rightfully wonder what rough beast is slouching towards Bethlehem to be born.  I get it, but have you looked on the other side of the coin?  The entertainment value goes up daily.  It’s getting harder and harder for SNL to pull off a good satire when the satire gets so close to home that you can’t tell one from the other.

I mean, just watching Kellyanne and Spicy go through the cringe-worthy gyrations of trying to spin Tiny Hand’s brain farts.  It’s even more fun when the Cheeto-in-Chief tries it, as he did trying not to admit that he didn’t know where the electoral vote data he was spewing came from.  Even better when he cited the recent terrible terrorist events in Sweden then tried with his most elegant foot-in-mouth ramble on how he meant the jump in crime rate, which of course never happened.

It’s bad enough when SNL tries to ‘outrageous’ him, but when Sweden’s officials beat them to it by saying such things as “Just as we stood by the US in support of the

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