July 8, 2021 – The ‘Spiritual’ Ground of Happiness

How Can a Secular’ Spirituality’ Enhance Human Happiness?
Today’s Post

Last week we took a second look at the slippery subject of happiness, this time from the perspective of universal evolution.  We saw how Yuval Harari, in his book, Sapiens, suggested that we have “dug our own grave’’ due to our uniquely evolved human characteristic of ‘consciousness aware of itself’, and because of this, our potential for true happiness is accordingly diminished.  With this speculation, Harari sees the appearance of human consciousness as an ‘evolutionary mistake’, a mistake for which we must pay with an unavoidable existential unhappiness.

In looking at this further, we agreed that humans have indeed departed from the evolutionary ‘accommodation with environment’ delivered by ‘Natural Selection’ and assured by the instincts in our evolutionary predecessors.   Perhaps our current state is indeed a result of this discontinuity, but as we saw, not necessarily the whole picture.

While disagreeing with Harari’s dystopic conclusion, we saw the merit in acknowledging that our species has nonetheless broken the instinctual bond enjoyed by our evolutionary predecessors and that this breach is indeed a source of the ‘pain of our evolutionary convergence’.  But when looking at evolution from Teilhard’s perspective, such pain is not unexpected in the ‘rise of complexity’ embedded in the sap of the tree of evolution.  From his perspective, all human advances, such as those documented in Johan Norberg’s book, “Progress”, come about due to discomfort with the ‘status quo’.  Any perfect, static serene accommodation with our environment would require absolute perfection of both ourselves and this environment.  Even the simplest scientific understanding of reality shows this to be a fantasy in a universe whose most common feature is ‘constant change’.

Understanding the dynamic nature of existence, Patricia Albere, author of Evolutionary Relationships, sees the long history of rising universal complexity as suggesting that we have only to allow ourselves to be “lifted by the evolutionary forces that are ready to optimize what can happen in our lives and in humanity”.  To do this, “we only have to begin to pay attention”.

This week we will look at the third facet of happiness, a look which involves such ‘paying of attention’.  In doing so we will begin a look at happiness from the perspective of ‘spirituality.’

What is ‘Spirituality’?

As Teilhard addressed ‘spirituality’, the term is framed with apostrophes in recognition of the freight that this term carries with its religious overtones of ‘the supernatural’.  It can reflect the eons of religious teaching which seemed to widen the gap between the ‘material’ lives we live and the ideal ‘spiritual’ life which lies far above us, attainable only in a ‘next’ life in which we are compensated for the pain experienced in this one.

A problem arises when we try to address the underlying agency of evolution, that which causes the universe to become more complex over time.  What term do we use to discuss it?  Teilhard used the term ‘complexification’, which certainly is accurate, but he also uses the term ‘spiritual’ as well.  From his point of view, ‘spiritual’ simply refers to the agency which is present in all matter and causes it, over time, to organize itself into ever more complex arrangements.  Paul Davies refers to it as the ‘software’ embedded in the ‘hardware’ of matter.  Other scientists refer to it as simply the quanta of ‘information’ in every particle of matter by which it is ushered into connections which result in more complex configurations.  An example of such an action can be seen in how the information contained in DNA guides RNA to produce the proteins necessary for growth of the cell.  Without such presence in all things, evolution would be unable to proceed and simply replicate itself endlessly at a static level of complexity. To Teilhard, therefore, ‘spiritual’ is ‘natural’, but only if the term ‘natural’ is understood in its widest, most universal, context.

We have seen several times how this concept can be found apart from religion.  We saw on July 11 how Paul Davies understands universal evolution, including its extension into human life, to be underscored by increasing complexity.

But a less likely proponent of this position is Richard Dawkins, famous atheistic evolutionary biologist. Dawkins, in his anti-religious book, “The God Delusion” nonetheless states that the idea of a “first cause of everything” which was the “basis for a process which eventually raised the world as we know it into its present complex existence” was entirely viable.  In the next breath, he insists that “we must very explicitly divest it of all the baggage that the word ‘God’ carries in the minds of most religious believers.”  He is suggesting that there is clearly something afoot in universal evolution, but that it must be addressed from a secular perspective if we want to make sense of it.

As we have seen previously, Teilhard would have agreed at this level.  His take on spirituality also eschewed terms like ‘supernatural’, as he understood as did Dawkins, such ‘process’ to lie in the plane of natural existence.

“…spirit is neither super-imposed nor accessory to the cosmos, but that it quite simply represents the higher state assumed in and around us by the primal and indefinable thing that we call, for want of a better name, the ‘stuff of the universe’.  Nothing more; and also nothing less.  Spirit is neither a meta- nor an epi- phenomenon, it is the phenomenon.”

Richard Dawkins offers yet another empirical insight into the issue of ‘information’ in human evolution.  Like Teilhard, he recognizes the difference between evolution in society and as understood as ‘Natural Selection’ by biology.  In his book, “The Selfish Gene’, he proposes that evolution continues through human society by way of ‘memes’, packets of cultural information, as the cultural parallel to biological genes.  Such ‘memes’ are echoed in Teilhard’s concept of the ‘noosphere’, which is the body of human thoughts, ideas and inventions which accumulate in human lore, rituals, books, schools and networks over time, and is thus ‘spiritual’ (by his definition)in nature.

By identifying spirit as phenomenal and affirming its existence neither outside (epi) nor above (meta) nature, Teilhard is referring to science’s observation that the universe increases in complexity over the course of its evolution.  This observation assumes that there is an agency, folded into matter, which assures the increase in complexity that marks every evolutionary step from energy to matter, simple matter to quarks, quarks to protons, protons to atoms to molecules to complex molecules to cells to neurons to brains to consciousness.  As Jonathan Sacks observes, in each step the new evolutionary products display a collective complexity that is a property of the new product, not just aggregated properties of the individual products that comprise them.

Thus ‘spirituality’ is simply a word which refers to this tendency of ‘the stuff of the universe’ to ‘complexify over time’.  As Teilhard goes on to say

“Spirituality is not a recent accident, arbitrarily or fortuitously imposed on the edifice of the world around us, it is a deeply rooted phenomenon, the traces of which we can follow with certainty backwards as far as the eye can reach.   The phenomenon of spirit is not therefore a sort of brief flash in the night; it reveals a gradual and systematic passage from the unconscious to the conscious, and from the conscious to the self-conscious.”

   Therefore, the acknowledgement of the existence of this ‘cosmic spark’ in all things offers us a perspective on how our species fits into the sweep of evolution, even if it does so in a way different from the environmental ‘accommodation’ enjoyed by our predecessors.  If, as Patricia Albere asserts, the ‘forces of evolution’ are such that they can, as they have done for fourteen billions of years, ‘optimize what can happen in our lives and in humanity’ if we only begin to ‘listen’, then listening to the ‘voice’ of this ‘cosmic spark’ as it exists in our lives can permit human life to be more harmoniously intertwined with our environment.

By Teilhard’s definition, therefore, spirituality is indeed a third ‘ground of happiness’.

The Next Post

This week we began a look at the third facet of the slippery subject of happiness, this time from the perspective of ‘spirituality’.  However, we took Teilhard’s understanding of this equally slippery term from his recognition of the agency of universal ‘complexification’.  Given this understanding of ‘spirituality’ as the term which refers to the underlying cause of the universal phenomenon of ‘complexification’, this suggests that some measure of our personal happiness is dependent on how well we listen to the ‘cosmic spark’ as it exists in each of us.  Patricia Albere suggests that such ‘listening’ can open us to the ‘optimization that can happen in our lives’.  In simpler terms, we can trust the agency of universal evolution as it is in work in ourselves.  But as Albere recons, we must  first learn to ‘listen’ to it.

“Easier said than done”, goes the old adage.  Humans may now represent the most advanced stage of evolution so far on this planet, but where in this stage can be found first the methods of finding this spark so that we can indeed ‘listen’, and then how it is possible to make sense of what we hear and put it to use in life?  Any success in either of these endeavors is certain to bring us into increased ‘accommodation’ with our environment (better aligned with evolution), and hence closer to our goal of ‘thinking with the whole brain’.

Next week we will take another step in this exploration of ‘the spiritual’ facet of happiness, this time exploring our accumulated lore of such searching and deciding.


2 thoughts on “July 8, 2021 – The ‘Spiritual’ Ground of Happiness

  1. don salmon

    Fascinating article. It’s very interesting how much the mindset of modernity inclines us to see phenomena as well.

    Then what is it that ‘sees” phenomena?

    We can, with many of the phenomenologists, deny the noumenon altogether. Or with Kant, stay agnostic and assume we can never know it directly.

    The mystics smile and say, it is the noumenon that knows the phenomena.

    The sages smile and say that the nondual truth is beyond BOTH noumena and phenomena.

    Coming back to simple everyday language, I don’t think de Chardin quite accepted the materialist idea of an actual physical universe independent of mind or awareness of any kind.

    What to say of quantum physics, even by the mid 18th century the study of the brain had already led to the conclusion that the images (that’s all we really know of the so called “physical” universe) that appear in awareness do not correspond exactly to anything external to mind. In fact, since we can never know – or even have one scintilla of evidence for the existence of anything external to Mind – we find we can do science perfectly well without that idea.

    LaPlace was said to have declared, in regard to God, “We have no need of that hypothesis.” Actually, the patterns (the so called laws) of the universe, the increasing complexification, and the increasing awareness which corresponds precisely to the complexification of the nervous system, are all utterly inexplicable without God (the more humble scientists have realized – often with much chagrin – since David Chalmers’ 1995 Scientific American article on “the Hard Problem” – that consciousness is indeed utterly inexplicable within the physicalist paradigm – as is everything else. If the physicalists were correct, the universe couldn’t possibly exist!)

    So correcting LaPlace, with regard to a purely physical universe, “We have no need of that hypothesis.”

    Coming once again to simple everyday language – what do we know, undoubtedly? We experience images in awareness, which we have labeled an “external” world. We experience a conglomeration of sensations, thoughts, and emotions, which we have labeled “ourselves.”

    But there is, even the neuroscientists tell us, no hard core, no identifiable entity that is “me” (St. Paul referred to this idea of the little me as the “false self”).

    What then do we know, directly – an interconnected web of images, thoughts, feelings sensations – that’s the phenomena – within awareness.

    But if we look even more closely – we see there is not one iota of separation between the images, thoughts, feelings and sensations, and the awareness.

    So what our experience is, is Conscious Awareness.

    In Christian language, this is the Divine Mind, the Light of God.

    God is BOTH beyond and within (panentheism, which I believe is much closer to de Chardin’s view than the pantheism of “all there is, is phenomena”).

    Regarding the eternal, unchanging, infinite Reality of God, and the astonishing complexification we see in evolution, see Michael Murphy’s article, “Evolutionary Panentheism,” an integration of the views of de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo.

    And to close again with simple language, one of the most elegant integrations of noumena and phenomena, of eternal Divinity and evolution, is this:

    Complete yet in process.

    Or as Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki put it,

    “You’re perfect as you are… and there’s also room for improvement.”

    1. matt.landry1@outlook.com Post author

      As a physicist, I generally try to avoid deriving too much ‘meaning’ from the empirical findings of quantum mechanics, preferring Feynman’s observation that “Those who claim to understand quantum theory, don’t”. That said, I find Teilhard’s uncovering of the ‘terrain of synergy’ between science and religion to be quite helpful in discovering a fruitful path thru life.
      He, like John, simply recognizes that whatever or whomever God is, ‘he’ is present in all things (panentheism) and therefore in humans. Teilhard also recognizes that science clearly shows ‘all things’ to emerge in the universe via an increase in complexity, which he sees emerges as ‘consciousness aware of itself’. With science, he sees ‘reality’ as ‘intelligible’, and consciousness itself evolving through the dialog between the human-created ‘noosphere’ and our ever expanding awareness of it.


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